Publikationen 2016

Magalhães P, Mischak H, Zürbig P.

Urinary proteomics using capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry for diagnosis and prognosis in kidney diseases
Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2016, 25(6):494-501.

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Frantzi M, Klimou Z, Makridakis M, Zoidakis J, Latosinska A, Borràs DM, Janssen B, Giannopoulou I, Lygirou V, Lazaris AC, Anagnou NP, Mischak H, Roubelakis MG, Vlahou A.

Silencing of Profilin-1 suppresses cell adhesion and tumor growth via predicted alterations in integrin and Ca2+ signaling in T24M-based bladder cancer models
Oncotarget. 2016, 7(43):70750-70768.

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Krochmal M, Fernandes M, Filip S, Pontillo C, Husi H, Zoidakis J, Mischak H, Vlahou A, Jankowski J.

PeptiCKDdb-peptide- and protein-centric database for the investigation of genesis and progression of chronic kidney disease
Database (Oxford). 2016, 2016:baw128.

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Klein J, Ramirez-Torres A, Ericsson A, Huang Y, Breuil B, Siwy J, Mischak H, Peng XR, Bascands JL, Schanstra JP.

Urinary peptidomics provides a noninvasive humanized readout of diabetic nephropathy in mice
Kidney Int. 2016, 90(5):1045-1055. Epub 2016 Aug 12.

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Bhat A, Mokou M, Zoidakis J, Jankowski V, Vlahou A, Mischak H.

BcCluster: A Bladder Cancer Database at the Molecular Level
Bladder Cancer. 2016, 7;2(1):65-76.

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Pena MJ, Mischak H, Heerspink HJ.

Proteomics for prediction of disease progression and response to therapy in diabetic kidney disease

Diabetologia. 2016, 59(9):1819-31. Epub 2016 Jun 25.

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Rossing K, Bosselmann HS, Gustafsson F, Zhang ZY, Gu YM, Kuznetsova T, Nkuipou-Kenfack E, Mischak H, Staessen JA, Koeck T, Schou M.

Urinary Proteomics Pilot Study for Biomarker Discovery and Diagnosis in Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction
PLoS One. 2016, 11(6):e0157167.

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Metzger J, Mullen W, Husi H, Stalmach A, Herget-Rosenthal S, Groesdonk HV, Mischak H, Klingele M.

Acute kidney injury prediction in cardiac surgery patients by a urinary peptide pattern: a case-control validation study
Crit Care. 2016, 20(1):157.

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Farmakis D, Koeck T, Mullen W, Parissis J, Gogas BD, Nikolaou M, Lekakis J, Mischak H, Filippatos G.

Urine proteome analysis in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction complicated by chronic kidney disease: feasibility, and clinical and pathogenetic correlates
Eur J Heart Fail. 2016 Jul;18(7):822-9. Epub 2016 May 25.

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Latosinska A, Makridakis M, Frantzi M, Borràs DM, Janssen B, Mullen W, Zoidakis J, Merseburger AS, Jankowski V, Mischak H, Vlahou A.

Integrative analysis of extracellular and intracellular bladder cancer cell line proteome with transcriptome: improving coverage and validity of -omics findings
Sci Rep. 2016, 6:25619.

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Carrick E, Vanmassenhove J, Glorieux G, Metzger J, Dakna M, Pejchinovski M, Jankowski V, Mansoorian B, Husi H, Mullen W, Mischak H, Vanholder R, Van Biesen W.

Development of a MALDI MS-based platform for early detection of acute kidney injury
Proteomics Clin Appl. 2016, 10(7):732-42. Epub 2016 May 17.

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Neisius U, Koeck T, Mischak H, Rossi SH, Olson E, Carty DM, Dymott JA, Dominiczak AF, Berry C, Oldroyd KG, Delles C.

Urine proteomics in the diagnosis of stable angina
BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2016, 16(1):70.

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Frantzi M, Van Kessel KE, Zwarthoff EC, Marquez M, Rava M, Malats N, Merseburger AS, Katafigiotis I, Stravodimos K, Mullen W, Zoidakis J, Makridakis M, Pejchinovski M, Critselis E, Lichtinghagen R, Brand K, Dakna M, Roubelakis MG, Theodorescu D, Vlahou A, Mischak H, Anagnou NP.

Development and validation of urine-based peptide biomarker panels for detecting bladder cancer in a multi-center study

Clin Cancer Res. 2016, 22(16):4077-86. Epub 2016 Mar 29.

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Lindhardt M, Persson F, Currie G, Pontillo C, Beige J, Delles C, von der Leyen H, Mischak H, Navis G, Noutsou M, Ortiz A, Ruggenenti PL, Rychlik I, Spasovski G, Rossing P.

Proteomic prediction and Renin angiotensin aldosterone system Inhibition prevention Of early diabetic nephRopathy in TYpe 2 diabetic patients with normoalbuminuria (PRIORITY): essential study design and rationale of a randomised clinical multicentre trial
BMJ Open. 2016, 6(3):e010310.

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Pontillo C, Mischak H.

Urinary biomarkers to predict CKD: is the future in multi-marker panels?
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2016,31(9):1373-5. Epub 2016 Feb 29.

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Stepczynska A, Schanstra JP, Mischak H.

Implementation of CE-MS-identified proteome-based biomarker panels in drug development and patient management
Bioanalysis. 2016, 8(5):439-55. Epub 2016 Feb 19.

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Klein J, Bascands JL, Mischak H, Schanstra JP.

The role of urinary peptidomics in kidney disease research
Kidney Int. 2016, 89(3):539-45. Epub 2016 Jan 14.

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Schönemeier B, Metzger J, Klein J, Husi H, Bremer B, Armbrecht N, Dakna M, Schanstra JP, Rosendahl J, Wiegand J, Jäger M, Mullen W, Breuil B, Plentz RR, Lichtinghagen R, Brand K, Kühnel F, Mischak H, Manns MP, Lankisch TO.

Urinary Peptide Analysis Differentiates Pancreatic Cancer From Chronic Pancreatitis
Pancreas. 2016 Aug;45(7):1018-26.

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