Publikationen 2014

Filip S, Zoidakis J, Vlahou A, Mischak H.

Advances in urinary proteome analysis and applications in systems biology
Bioanalysis. 2014, 6(19):2549-69.

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Seetho IW, Siwy J, Albalat A, Mullen W, Mischak H, Parker RJ, Craig S, Duffy N, Hardy KJ, Burniston JG, Wilding JP.

Urinary proteomics in obstructive sleep apnoea and obesity
Eur J Clin Invest. 2014, 44(11):1104-15.

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Nkuipou-Kenfack E, Koeck T, Mischak H, Pich A, Schanstra JP, Zürbig P, Schumacher B.

Proteome analysis in the assessment of ageing
Ageing Res Rev. 2014, 18C:74-85.

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Stalmach A, Johnsson H, McInnes IB, Husi H, Klein J, Dakna M, Mullen W, Mischak H, Porter D.

Identification of urinary Peptide biomarkers associated with rheumatoid arthritis
PLoS One. 2014, 9(8):e104625.

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Zhang Z, Staessen JA, Thijs L, Gu Y, Liu Y, Jacobs L, Koeck T, Zürbig P, Mischak H, Kuznetsova T.

Left ventricular diastolic function in relation to the urinary proteome: A proof-of-concept study in a general population

Int J Cardiol. 2014, 176(1):158-65. Epub 2014 Jul 12.

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Gu YM, Thijs L, Liu YP, Zhang Z, Jacobs L, Koeck T, Zürbig P, Lichtinghagen R, Brand K, Kuznetsova T, Olivi L, Verhamme P, Delles C, Mischak H, Staessen JA.

The urinary proteome as correlate and predictor of renal function in a population study
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014, 29(12):2260-8. Epub 2014 Jun 30.

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Filip S, Pontillo C, Peter Schanstra J, Vlahou A, Mischak H, Klein J.

Urinary proteomics and molecular determinants of chronic kidney disease: possible link to proteases

Expert Rev Proteomics. 2014, 11(5):535-48. Epub 2014 Jun 24.

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Koss MJ, Hoffmann J, Nguyen N, Pfister M, Mischak H, Mullen W, Husi H, Rejdak R, Koch F, Jankowski J, Krueger K, Bertelmann T, Klein J, Schanstra JP, Siwy J.

Proteomics of vitreous humor of patients with exudative age-related macular degeneration

PLoS One. 2014, 14;9(5):e96895.

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Nkuipou-Kenfack E, Duranton F, Gayrard N, Argilés A, Lundin U, Weinberger KM, Dakna M, Delles C, Mullen W, Husi H, Klein J, Koeck T, Zürbig P, Mischak H.

Assessment of metabolomic and proteomic biomarkers in detection and prognosis of progression of renal function in chronic kidney disease
PLoS One. 2014, 9(5):e96955.

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Mullen W, Saigusa D, Abe T, Adamski J, Mischak H.

Proteomics and Metabolomics as Tools to Unravel Novel Culprits and Mechanisms of Uremic Toxicity: Instrument or Hype?
Semin Nephrol. 2014, 34(2):180-190. Epub 2014 Feb 18.

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Siwy J, Schanstra JP, Argiles A, Bakker SJ, Beige J, Boucek P, Brand K, Delles C, Duranton F, Fernandez-Fernandez B, Jankowski ML, Al Khatib M, Kunt T, Lajer M, Lichtinghagen R, Lindhardt M, Maahs DM, Mischak H, Mullen W, Navis G, Noutsou M, Ortiz A, Persson F, Petrie JR, Roob JM, Rossing P, Ruggenenti P, Rychlik I, Serra AL, Snell-Bergeon J, Spasovski G, Stojceva-Taneva O, Trillini M, von der Leyen H, Winklhofer-Roob BM, Zürbig P, Jankowski J.

Multicentre prospective validation of a urinary peptidome-based classifier for the diagnosis of type 2 diabetic nephropathy
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014, 29(8):1563-70. Epub 2014 Mar 2.

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Husi H, Van Agtmael T, Mullen W, Bahlmann FH, Schanstra JP, Vlahou A, Delles C, Perco P, Mischak H.

Proteome-Based Systems Biology Analysis of the Diabetic Mouse Aorta Reveals Major Changes in Fatty Acid Biosynthesis as Potential Hallmark in Diabetes Associated Vascular Disease
Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014, 7(2):161-70. Epub 2014 Feb 26.

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Mischak H, Vlahou A, Righetti PG, Calvete JJ.

Putting value in biomarker research and reporting
J Proteomics. 2014, 96:A1-3.

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Albalat A, Husi H, Stalmach A, Schanstra JP, Mischak H.

Classical MALDI-MS versus CE-based ESI-MS proteomic profiling in urine for clinical applications
Bioanalysis. 2014, 6(2):247-66.

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Klein J, Buffin-Meyer B, Mullen W, Carty DM, Delles C, Vlahou A, Mischak H, Decramer S, Bascands JL, Schanstra JP.

Clinical proteomics in obstetrics and neonatology
Expert Rev Proteomics. 2014 Feb;11(1):75-89. Epub 2014 Jan 3.

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