Publikationen 2013

Frantzi M, Metzger J, Banks RE, Husi H, Klein J, Dakna M, Mullen W, Cartledge JJ, Schanstra JP, Brand K, Kuczyk MA, Mischak H, Vlahou A, Theodorescu D, Merseburger AS.

Discovery and Validation of Urinary Biomarkers for Detection of Renal Cell Carcinoma

J Proteomics. 2014, 98:44-58. Epub 2013 Dec 25.

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Klein J, Papadopoulos T, Mischak H, Mullen W.

Comparison of CE-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS sequencing demonstrates significant complementarity in natural peptide identification in human urine
Electrophoresis 2014, 35(7):1060-4. Epub 2013 Nov 20.

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Duranton F, Lundin U, Gayrard N, Mischak H, Aparicio M, Mourad G, Daurès JP, Weinberger KM, Argilés A.

Plasma and Urinary Amino Acid Metabolomic Profiling in Patients with Different Levels of Kidney Function
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2014, 9(1):37-45. Epub 2013 Nov 14.

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Mermelekas G, Makridakis M, Koeck T, Vlahou A.

Redox proteomics: from residue modifications to putative biomarker identification by gel- and LC-MS-based approaches
xpert Rev Proteomics 2013, 10(6):537-49.

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Husi H, Sanchez-Niño MD, Delles C, Mullen W, Vlahou A, Ortiz A, Mischak H.

A combinatorial approach of Proteomics and Systems Biology in unravelling the mechanisms of acute kidney injury (AKI): involvement of NMDA receptor GRIN1 in murine AKI
BMC Syst Biol. 2013, 7:110.

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Dissard R, Klein J, Caubet C, Breuil B, Siwy J, Hoffman J, Sicard L, Ducassé L, Rascalou S, Payre B, Buléon M, Mullen W, Mischak H, Tack I, Bascands JL, Buffin-Meyer B, Schanstra JP.

Long Term Metabolic Syndrome Induced by a High Fat High Fructose Diet Leads to Minimal Renal Injury in C57BL/6 Mice

PLoS One 2013, 3;8(10):e76703.

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Neuhaus J, Schiffer E, Siwy J, Mannello F, Horn LC, Stolzenburg JU

Proteome-based diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of prostate cancer
Urologe A. 2013, 52(9):1251-5.

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Latosinska A, Frantzi M, Vlahou A, Mischak H

Clinical applications of capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry in biomarker discovery: Focus on Bladder Cancer
Proteomics Clin Appl. 2013, 7(11-12):779-93.

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Klein J, Lacroix C, Caubet C, Siwy J, Zürbig P, Dakna M, Muller F, Breuil B, Stalmach A, Mullen W, Mischak H, Bandin F, Monsarrat B, Bascands JL, Decramer S, Schanstra JP.

Fetal Urinary Peptides to Predict Postnatal Outcome of Renal Disease in Fetuses with Posterior Urethral Valves (PUV)

Sci Transl Med. 2013, 5(198):198ra106.

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Albalat A, Stalmach A, Bitsika V, Siwy J, Schanstra JP, Petropoulos AD, Vlahou A, Jankowski J, Persson F, Rossing P, Jaskolla TW, Mischak H, Husi H.

Improving peptide relative quantification in MALDI-TOF MS for biomarker assessment

Proteomics 2013, 13(20):2967-75.

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Frantzi M, Zoidakis J, Papadopoulos T, Zurbig P, Katafigiotis I, Stravodimos K, Lazaris A, Giannopoulou I, Ploumidis A, Mischak H, Mullen WB, Vlahou A.

IMAC fractionation in combination to LC/MS reveals H2B and NIF-1 peptides as potential bladder cancer biomarkers
J Proteome Res. 2013, 12(9):3969-79. Epub 2013 Aug 21.

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Weissinger EM, Metzger J, Dobbelstein C, Wolff D, Schleuning M, Kuzmina Z, Greinix H, Dickinson AM, Mullen W, Kreipe H, Hamwi I, Morgan M, Krons A, Tchebotarenko I, Ihlenburg-Schwarz D, Dammann E, Collin M, Ehrlich S, Diedrich H, Stadler M, Eder M, Holler E, Mischak H, Krauter J, Ganser A.

Proteomic peptide profiling for preemptive diagnosis of acute graft-versus-host-disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
Leukemia 2014, 28(4):842-52. Epub 2013 Jul 11.

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Suárez ER, Siwy J, Zürbig P, Mischak H.

Urine as a source for clinical proteome analysis: From discovery to clinical application

Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013, pii: S1570-9639(13)00253-7. Epub 2013 Jul 2.

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Neuhaus J, Schiffer E, Wilcke P, Bauer HW, Leung H, Siwy J, Ulrici W, Paasch U, Horn LC, Stolzenburg J

Seminal Plasma as a Source of Prostate Cancer Peptide Biomarker Candidates for Detection of Indolent and Advanced Disease
PLoS One 2013, 8(6): e67514.

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Klein G, Schanstra JP, Hoffmann J, Mischak H, Siwy J

Proteomics as a Quality Control Tool of Pharmaceutical Probiotic Bacterial Lysate Products
PLoS One 2013, 8(6):e66682.

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Argilés A, Siwy J, Duranton F, Gayrard N, Dakna M, Lundin U, Osaba L, Delles C, Mourad G, Weinberger KM, Mischak H.

CKD273, a New Proteomics Classifier Assessing CKD and Its Prognosis
PLoS One 2013, 8(5):e62837.

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Jankowski V, Schulz A, Kretschmer A, Mischak H, Boehringer F, van der Giet M, Janke D, Schuchardt M, Herwig R, Zidek W, Jankowski J.
The enzymatic activity of the VEGFR2 receptor for the biosynthesis of dinucleoside polyphosphates

J Mol Med (Berl). 2013, 91(9):1095-107. Epub 2013 May 1.

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Mansor R, Mullen W, Albalat A, Zerefos P, Mischak H, Barrett DC, Biggs A, Eckersall PD

A peptidomic approach to biomarker discovery for bovine mastitis
J Proteomics 2013, 85:89-98. Epub 2013 Apr 30.

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Stalmach A, Albalat A, Mullen W, Mischak H.

Recent advances in capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry for clinical proteomic applications
Electrophoresis 2013, 34(11):1452-64. Epub 2013 May 8. 

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Mischak H, Vlahou A, Ioannidis JP.
Technical aspects and inter-laboratory variability in native peptide profiling: The CE-MS experience

Clin Biochem. 2013, 46(6):432-43. Epub 2012 Oct 4.

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Klein J, Eales J, Zürbig P, Vlahou A, Mischak H, Stevens R.

Proteasix: a tool for automated and large-scale prediction of proteases involved in naturally-occurring peptide generation
Proteomics 2013, 13(7):1077-82. Epub 2013 Feb 26.

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Kistler AD, Serra AL, Siwy J, Poster D, Krauer F, Torres VE, Mrug M, Grantham JJ, Bae KT, Bost JE, Mullen W, Wüthrich RP, Mischak H, Chapman AB.

Urinary proteomic biomarkers for diagnosis and risk stratification of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: a multicentric study
PLoS One. 2013, 8(1):e53016. Epub 2013 Jan 10.

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Albalat A, Franke J, Gonzalez J, Mischak H, Zürbig P.

Urinary proteomics based on capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry in kidney disease
Methods Mol Biol. 2013;919:203-13.

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Metzger J, Negm AA, Plentz RR, Weismüller TJ, Wedemeyer J, Karlsen TH, Dakna M, Mullen W, Mischak H, Manns MP, Lankisch TO

Urine proteomic analysis differentiates cholangiocarcinoma from primary sclerosing cholangitis and other benign biliary disorders
Gut 2013, 62(1):122-30. Epub 2012 May 12.

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Roscioni SS, de Zeeuw D, Hellemons ME, Mischak H, Zürbig P, Bakker SJ, Gansevoort RT, Reinhard H, Persson F, Lajer M, Rossing P, Heerspink HJ.

A urinary peptide biomarker set predicts worsening of albuminuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Diabetologia 2013, 56(2):259-67. Epub 2012 Oct 20.

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