Europe's leading physicians and biochemists - funded by the EU Commission - will meet for two days (18.-19.10.2023) in Hanover at mosaiques, the world's leading proteome company. The first meaningful proteomic definitions of the molecular development of the post-Covid-19 syndrome are expected, with the necessary differentiation from other chronic diseases. This proteome analysis test should be available to patients in the short term for targeted treatment in order to make it easier to make an exact diagnosis from only one urine sample.
The scientific consortium has already developed the molecular urine test for the early detection - within the first week - of the severe course of Covid-19 (see CRIT-CoV study), the sub-study and approval took already place in December 2020. Despite targeted therapy options that only work in the first week, health systems have not made use of this diagnostic. Those responsible feared that patients who were not at risk would then no longer be vaccinated.
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