Publications 2020


Fédou C, Breuil B, Golovko I, Decramer S, Magalhães P, Muller F, Dreux S, Zürbig P, Klein J, Schanstra JP, Buffin-Meyer B.

Comparison of the amniotic fluid and fetal urine peptidome for biomarker discovery in renal developmental disease

Sci Rep. 2020, 10(1):21706.

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Frantzi M, Latosinska A, Mokou M, Mischak H, Vlahou A.

Drug repurposing in oncology

Lancet Oncol. 2020, 21(12):e543.

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Bannaga AS, Metzger J, Kyrou I, Voigtländer T, Book T, Melgarejo J, Latosinska A, Pejchinovski M, Staessen JA, Mischak H, Manns MP, Arasaradnam RP.

Discovery, validation and sequencing of urinary peptides for diagnosis of liver fibrosis-A multicentre study

EBioMedicine. 2020, 62:103083. Epub 2020 Nov 5.

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Mokou M, Lygirou V, Angelioudaki I, Paschalidis N, Stroggilos R, Frantzi M, Latosinska A, Bamias A, Hoffmann MJ, Mischak H, Vlahou A.

A Novel Pipeline for Drug Repurposing for Bladder Cancer Based on Patients' Omics Signatures

Cancers (Basel). 2020, 12(12):3519.

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Wendt R, Kalbitz S, Lübbert C, Kellner N, Macholz M, Schroth S, Ermisch J, Latosisnka A, Arnold B, Mischak H, Beige J, Metzger J.

Urinary Proteomics Associates with COVID-19 Severity: Pilot Proof-of-Principle Data and Design of a Multicentric Diagnostic Study

Proteomics. 2020, 20(24):e2000202.

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Klein J, Caubet C, Camus M, Makridakis M, Denis C, Gilet M, Feuillet G, Rascalou S, Neau E, Garrigues L, Thillaye du Boullay O, Mischak H, Monsarrat B, Burlet-Schiltz O, Vlahou A, Saulnier-Blache JS, Bascands JL, Schanstra JP.

Connectivity mapping of glomerular proteins identifies dimethylaminoparthenolide as a new inhibitor of diabetic kidney disease

Sci Rep. 2020, 10(1):14898.

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Frantzi M, Hupe MC, Merseburger AS, Schanstra JP, Mischak H, Latosinska A.

Omics Derived Biomarkers and Novel Drug Targets for Improved Intervention in Advanced Prostate Cancer

Diagnostics (Basel). 2020, 10(9):658.

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Latosinska A, Davalieva K, Makridakis M, Mullen W, Schanstra JP, Vlahou A, Mischak H, Frantzi M.

Molecular Changes in Tissue Proteome during Prostate Cancer Development: Proof-of-Principle Investigation

Diagnostics (Basel). 2020, 10(9):655.

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Wendt R, He T, Latosinska A, Siwy J, Mischak H, Beige J.

Proteomic characterization of obesity-related nephropathy

Clin Kidney J. 2020, 13(4):684-692.

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Campbell RT, Jasilek A, Mischak H, Nkuipou-Kenfack E, Latosinska A, Welsh PI, Jackson CE, Cannon J, McConnachie A, Delles C, McMurray JJV.

The novel urinary proteomic classifier HF1 has similar diagnostic and prognostic utility to BNP in heart failure

ESC Heart Fail. 2020, 7(4):1595-1604. Epub 2020 May 8.

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He T, Siwy J, Metzger J, Mullen W, Mischak H, Schanstra JP, Zürbig P, Jankowski V.

Associations of urinary polymeric immunoglobulin receptor peptides in the context of cardio-renal syndrome

Sci Rep. 2020, 10(1):8291.

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Mischak H.

Datasharing: Obsolete? Impossible in times of GDPR ? Or mandatory in science?!

Eur J Clin Invest. 2020, 50(8):e13244.

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Pejchinovski M, Mischak H.

Re-analysis of "Peptidomic analysis of cartilage and subchondral bone in OA patients"

Eur J Clin Invest. 2020, 50(8):e13240.

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Tofte N, Lindhardt M, Adamova K, Bakker SJL, Beige J, Beulens JWJ, Birkenfeld AL, Currie G, Delles C, Dimos I, Francová L, Frimodt-Møller M, Girman P, Göke R, Havrdova T, Heerspink HJL, Kooy A, Laverman GD, Mischak H, Navis G, Nijpels G, Noutsou M, Ortiz A, Parvanova A, Persson F, Petrie JR, Ruggenenti PL, Rutters F, Rychlík I, Siwy J, Spasovski G, Speeckaert M, Trillini M, Zürbig P, von der Leyen H, Rossing P; PRIORITY investigators.

Early detection of diabetic kidney disease by urinary proteomics and subsequent intervention with spironolactone to delay progression (PRIORITY): a prospective observational study and embedded randomised placebo-controlled trial

Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2020, 8(4):301-312. Epub 2020 Mar 2.

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Makridakis M, Kontostathi G, Petra E, Stroggilos R, Lygirou V, Filip S, Duranton F, Mischak H, Argiles A, Zoidakis J, Vlahou A.

Multiplexed MRM-based protein quantification of putative prognostic biomarkers for chronic kidney disease progression in plasma

Sci Rep. 2020, 10(1):4815.

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Buffin-Meyer B, Tkaczyk M, StaƄczyk M, Breuil B, Siwy J, Szaflik K, Talar T, Wojtera J, Krzeszowski W, Decramer S, Klein J, Schanstra JP.

A single-center study to evaluate the efficacy of a fetal urine peptide signature predicting postnatal renal outcome in fetuses with posterior urethral valves

Pediatr Nephrol. 2020, 35(3):469-475. Epub 2019 Nov 7.

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Nkuipou-Kenfack E, Latosinska A, Yang WY, Fournier MC, Blet A, Mujaj B, Thijs L, Feliot E, Gayat E, Mischak H, Staessen JA, Mebazaa A, Zhang ZY; French and European Outcome Registry in Intensive Care Unit Investigators.

A novel urinary biomarker predicts 1-year mortality after discharge from intensive care

Crit Care. 2020, 24(1):10.

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Voigtländer T, Metzger J, Husi H, Kirstein MM, Pejchinovski M, Latosinska A, Frantzi M, Mullen W, Book T, Mischak H, Manns MP.

Bile and urine peptide marker profiles: access keys to molecular pathways and biological processes in cholangiocarcinoma

J Biomed Sci. 2020, 27(1):13.

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Bruno RM, Mischak H, Persu A.

Multi-omics applied to fibromuscular dysplasia: first steps on a new research avenue

Cardiovasc Res. 2020, 116(1):4-5.

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Siwy J, Ahonen L, Magalhães P, Frantzi M, Rossing P.

Metabolomic and Proteomic Techniques for Establishing Biomarkers and Improving Our Understanding of Pathophysiology in Diabetic Nephropathy

Methods Mol Biol. 2020, 2067:287-306.

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Stroggilos R, Mokou M, Latosinska A, Makridakis M, Lygirou V, Mavrogeorgis E, Drekolias D, Frantzi M, Mullen W, Fragkoulis C, Stasinopoulos K, Papadopoulos G, Stathouros G, Lazaris AC, Makrythanasis P, Ntoumas K, Mischak H, Zoidakis J, Vlahou A.

Proteome-based classification of Nonmuscle Invasive Bladder Cancer

Int J Cancer. 2020, 146(1):281-294. Epub 2019 Jul 26.

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