
CoV-50 test to determine complications after Covid-19 disease is regularly approved!

Based on the excellent results of the validation of the CoV-50 test on 327 Covid-19 patients in the Crit-CoV-U study, the BfArM issued a special approval according to Section 11 (1) MPG on December 30, 2020. On January 22nd, 2021, the regular approval of the DiaPat-CoV-50 test took place. These first study results were first published on the LANCET Pre-Print Server on February 23, 2021. Since May 3rd, 2021, the accepted paper has been available on the Lancet journal EClinicalMedicine:

This means that every doctor in Germany is entitled to carry out the CoV-50 test for the early molecular detection of the Covid-19 course in order to prevent a severe course in time.

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